How to Become a Tipster at Bets For Today


Step 1 – Apply & Proof

Proof your selections to us for a minimum of 4 months.

Proofing simply means that you send the tips to us before the events begin, so that we can accurately track your performance.

It's also good practice for you as to what's required in the future if you become a Bets For Today tipster.


Step 2 – Service Launch

If during the proofing period you've managed to prove to be a consistent and profitable punter, then we'd love to work with you.

We will then arrange everything for the big launch – we'll get the marketing material made and start promoting your service.

Our aim is always to get to a minimum of 100 subscribers as soon as possible.


Step 3 – Ongoing Earnings

We will continue marketing and promoting your tips through our extensive affiliate network, mailing list and social channels.

Each month you will receive a payment of 40% of the sales associated with the service.


Are you a successful tipster?

If you can produce profit year after year from betting on sports, then we'd love to hear from you.  However, before we get any further, let's get the serious stuff out of the way. There is a difference between being a profitable bettor and being one of the best tipsters online.

When you're betting for yourself, you set your times and decide at the last minute to have a day off, a week off, etc.  However, when you are a tipster with paying subscribers, you need to be reliable and respect your customers in the same way you would like to be respected as a customer.

That's where the proofing process comes into play.  As much as it's about seeing that your bets are profitable, it also lets us learn the best way to work with you and iron out any creases before potentially going live.  You can learn our processes and assess if it's the right fit for you.

So assuming you have betting knowledge and an excellent desire to do well, let's get proofing! Contact us, and we'll get back to you with further details on getting started.

We don't have dozens of tipsters on the site because we value quality over quantity, and we'd rather have one profitable tipster than 30 mediocre/losing tipsters.  This industry has its fair share of sharks and dodgy tipsters with fake results pages.   At Bets For Today, we only publish real results from real tipsters.

You might not consider yourself a natural fit for becoming a tipster.  However, if you are regularly winning at betting, then you could look to make a superb second income from your knowledge!




How much can I earn?

That entirely depends on the results.  Some of our best tipsters earn over £2,000 per month, so if your tips are doing well, you should aim for that at a minimum.  Keep providing great tips, and subscribers will keep joining and retaining their membership for longer.

What percentage do I earn?

Tipsters get paid 40% of net sales.  For example, if an item sells for £100, you will receive £40.  That doesn't mean we're necessarily receiving 60% as we need to pay payment processing transaction fees to Stripe, PayPal etc., and take care of any local taxes, such as VAT.

Commissions recur monthly, therefore if a member continues paying £40 per month for a year, then you would receive £192 for just that one member.  The maths for that are £40 x 40% = £16 per month, over 12 months that is £192 (£16 x 12 = £192).

Why Bets For Today?

We've been around since February 2013 and have a reputation for being trustworthy and favouring quality over quantity.  Everything we do is transparent, and we will do our best to help you earn the figures you deserve.

What do you do?

Bets For Today puts everything in place so that you can focus purely on creating the best tips possible.  We handle all customer support enquiries.  We handle all the marketing, web design and sales communication.  We get reviews underway at some of the most extensive review sites online.

How do I get paid?

We use Thrivcart to power our payment processing and affiliate system here at Bets For Today.  Once you are approved, we will create a Joint Venture agreement for the software.  Then every time a sale is made, it will automatically appear in your Thrivecart account.  Joint Venture payments are sent to tipsters by the 10th of the following month.

I've still got questions

No problem, simply contact us, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

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